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Recep Bayram

About Me

I have experience in social sciences such as education, psychology and pedagogy and would like to combine this in the field of ICT in the broadest sense of the word. Then I make an effort to add value to the team and the company in an effective and efficient way. My passion lies in the themes: Data analysis (Anaconda tools) and visualization such as PowerBI, cyber security tools, system and network management.

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Fontys Hogeschool

By: Admin 234 123

Fontys is one of the best schools in the region and the Netherlands. Studying here is very useful for students and a process that is open to all kinds of development.

It is a development home that has been able to create a strong network with its social environment and professional business life, along with offering many education and career opportunities.

I would advise all students and parents to take a look at the opportunities Fontys offers and to get information by contacting the relevant departments.

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Bibliotheek Eindhoven

By: Admin 234 123

There are many libraries in the Netherlands. You can even call this country the country of the library. However, the library in the city of Eindhoven, where I had the opportunity to work as a volunteer for a while, is quite impressive.

What do I mean? It stands out with its constantly renewed section of current books, cafe, internet and computer facilities, children's section, different activities, most importantly, its hospitable and helpful staff. The library, which looks like a living center, where I observe that it has become a daily haunt of many people, is also like a living organism that is constantly trying to respond to change and the needs of the social environment.

In this sense, I recommend you to visit the Eindhoven library, which serves a very important function for the society it is in! But be careful and don't be addicted :)

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De nationale carrierebeurs

By: Admin 234 123

I like to participate in this event both because it is an excuse for a short trip in the Netherlands and because I can see and communicate with different companies.

It is an event that is very well organized and gives the opportunity to talk and meet people.

It also gives you the opportunity to see the corporate culture, employee motivation, etc. of the institutions and companies you are interested in.
I recommend it to anyone who is interested.

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I am expat

By: Admin 456 264

Anyone who wants to change their country in order to live needs a process to adapt to new conditions. Although the Netherlands is one of the countries where these conditions are most suitable, it may be possible for you to receive individual or institutional/professional support on many issues. Sometimes this may be mandatory.

If you want to see many companies together and benefit from various workshops on subjects such as

  • insurance,
  • home purchases
  • children's education processes
  • tax
  • language learning and integration
  • ...,

do not miss the I AM EXPAT event, I had a lot of fun.

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