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Web Development

By: Admin 234 123

Why to Learn HTML? Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers. Now, HTML is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags available in HTML language. HTML is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software Engineer specially when they are working in Web Development Domain. I will list down some of the key advantages of learning HTML:

Create Web site - You can create a website or customize an existing web template if you know HTML well. Become a web designer - If you want to start a carrer as a professional web designer, HTML and CSS designing is a must skill. Understand web - If you want to optimize your website, to boost its speed and performance, it is good to know HTML to yield best results. Learn other languages - Once you understands the basic of HTML then other related technologies like javascript, php, or angular are become easier to understand.

What should we know to get started?

kablosuzkedi Kullandığım En İyi Visual Studio Code Eklentileri ve Teması (VSCode Extensions | Theme)

Some important educational sites can also be recommended while learning cyber security .

Traversy Media Web Development In 2023 - A Practical Guide

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Web Development

By: Admin 234 123

Why to Learn HTML? Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers. Now, HTML is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags available in HTML language. HTML is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software Engineer specially when they are working in Web Development Domain. I will list down some of the key advantages of learning HTML:

Create Web site - You can create a website or customize an existing web template if you know HTML well. Become a web designer - If you want to start a carrer as a professional web designer, HTML and CSS designing is a must skill. Understand web - If you want to optimize your website, to boost its speed and performance, it is good to know HTML to yield best results. Learn other languages - Once you understands the basic of HTML then other related technologies like javascript, php, or angular are become easier to understand.

What should we know to get started?

HTML Structure


1. HTML Basics
    a- Forms
    b- Editors
    c- Comments
    d- Layout
    e- Elements
    f- Heading
    g- Paragraphs
    h- Text formatting
    i- Color Styles and HSL
    j- Links
    k- Images
    l- Tables
    m- Lists
    n- Block and Inline Elements
    o- Iframes
    p- Meta tags
    r- Entities
    s- Charsets
    t- URL Encoding
    u- Deprecated Tags


2. HTML Tags
    a- Doctypes
    b- a
    c- abbr
    d- acronym
    e- address
    f- applet
    g- area
    h- article
    i- aside
    j- b
    k- base
    l- basefont
    m- HTML Tags Lists


3. HTML Attributes
    a- Input
    b- form
    c- IIS on Virtual Server
    d- accesskey
    e- action
    f- align
    g- alt
    h- script
    i- input
    j- button
    k- textarea
    l- Attributes Complete Reference

4. HTML Graphics
    a- SVG- Basics
    b- Canvas Basics

    a- Geolocation
    b- Drag and Drop


6. HTML DOM Document Object Model
    a- activeElement property
    b- anchors collection
    c- close() method
    d- baseURL property
    e- body Property
    f- createAttribute() method
    g- doctype property
    h- writeIn() method
    i- console.error() method
    j- URL property
    k- embeds collection
    l- console.warn() method
    m- console.trace() method
    n- DOM Complete Reference


7. HTML Audio/Video
    a- Audio and Video Object
    b- video canPlayType() method
    c- audio audioTracks property
    d- audio autoPlay property
    e- audio buffered property
    f- audio controls property
    g- audio currentSrc property
    h- audio currentTime property
    i- audio defaultMuted property
    j- audio defaultPlaybackRate property
    k- audio duration property
    l- audio ended property
    m- audio loop property
    n- Audio/Video Complete Reference

8. HTML 5
    a- Context
    b- Spell Check
    c- Complete Reference


9. HTML 5 MathML
    a- Context
    b- maction tag
    c- math tag
    d- menclose tag
    e- merror tag
    f- mfenched tag
    g- mfrac tag
    h- mglyph tag
    i- mi tag
    j- mlabeledtr tag
    k- mmultiscripts tag
    l- mn tag
    m- mo tag
    n- mover tag
    o- mpaddel tag
    p- MathML Complete Reference


10. HTML Course&Learning Progress
    a- Context
    b- Structure
    c- First web page | Hello world
    d- Basics of HTML
    e- Starting the Project | Creating Directories
    f- Understanding and Building Project Structure
    g- Creating Navigation Menu
    h- Header
    i- Section
    j- Footer
    k- Quiz
    l- Practice

11. HTML Questions and Practice
    a- a Sticky Social Media Bar using HTML and CSS
    b- a Search Bar using HTML and CSS
    c- Right Aligned Menu Links using HTML and CSS
    d- a Login Form to an Image using HTML and CSS
    e- a Tab Image Gallery
    f- a Hero Image using HTML and CSS
    g- Meet the Team Page using HTML and CSS
    h- an Image Overlay Icon using HTML and CSS
    i- Browsers Window using HTML and CSS
    j- Breadcrumbs using HTML and CSS
    k- Section Counter using HTML and CSS
    l- Toggle Switch by using HTML and CSS
    m- a Cutout Text using HTML and CSS
    n- a Pagination using HTML and CSS

Programming with Mosh HTML Tutorial for Beginners: HTML Crash Course Learn HTML – Full Tutorial for Beginners (2022)

SuperSimpleDev HTML & CSS Full Course - Beginner to Pro

Traversy Media HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners

Web Dev Simplified Top 10 Advanced CSS Responsive Design Concepts You Should Know



Learn HTML tart at the beginning by learning HTML basics — an important foundation for building and editing web pages.


HTML: HyperText Markup Language HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web. It defines the meaning and structure of web content. Other technologies besides HTML are generally used to describe a web page's appearance/presentation (CSS) or functionality/behavior (JavaScript).


HTML Tutorial HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages. HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML and it was published in late 1999. Though HTML 4.01 version is widely used but currently we are having HTML-5 version which is an extension to HTML 4.01, and this version was published in 2012.

Learn HTML This HTML course for web developers provides a solid overview for developers, from novice to expert level HTML. If you're completely new to HTML, you will learn how to build structurally sound content. If you've been building websites for years, this course may fill in gaps in knowledge that you didn't even know you had.


Easy Learning with HTML "Try it Yourself" With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the HTML code and view the result:


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design web pages using the markup language. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages and markup language defines the text document within the tag that define the structure of web pages.


HTML | HyperText Markup Language. is a text-based approach to describing how content contained within an HTML file is structured. This markup tells a web browser how to display text, images and other forms of multimedia on a webpage.

Read more html

Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

What is cascading style sheets (CSS)? Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers. Now, HTML is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags available in HTML language.
HTML is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software Engineer specially when they are working in Web Development Domain. I will list down some of the key advantages of learning HTML: Create Web site - You can create a website or customize an existing web template if you know HTML well. Become a web designer - If you want to start a carrer as a professional web designer, HTML and CSS designing is a must skill. Understand web - If you want to optimize your website, to boost its speed and performance, it is good to know HTML to yield best results. Learn other languages - Once you understands the basic of HTML then other related technologies like javascript, php, or angular are become easier to understand.
What should we know to get started?

HTML Structure


1. CSS Basics
    a- Full Forms
    b- @import
    c- Comments
    d- Colors
    e- Background
    f- Borders
    g- Margins and padding
    h- Height and Width
    i- Box model
    j- Outline
    k- Text Formatting
    l- Fonts
    m- Icons
    n- Links
    o- Lists
    p- Tables
    r- Overflow
    s- Float
    t- Align
    u- Combinators
    v- Pseudo Elements
    y- Pseudo Elements
    z- Opacity


    aa- DropDowns
    ab- Image Gallery
    ac- Image Sprites
    ad- Styling Forms
    af- Overflow
    ag- Counters
    ah- Website Layout
    ai- Units
    aj- Specificity


2. CSS Properties
    a- All property
    b- Display property
    c- Positioning property
    d- Border property
    e- Border-image property
    f- Filter property
    g- Flex property
    h- Font-family property
    i- Grid property
    j- Height property
    k- Properties Complete Reference


3. CSS Selectors
    a- Syntax and selectors
    b- #id selector
    c- * selector
    d- . class selector
    e- Element selector
    f- :hover selector
    g- :lang selector
    h- :nth-child() selector
    i- :visited selector
    j- Wildcard selectors (*, ^, $) in CSS for classes
    k- Advanced selectors
    l- Selectors Complete Reference


4. CSS Functions
    a- attr() function
    b- calc() function
    c- env() function
    d- hsl() function
    e- rgb() function
    f- url() function
    g- var() function
    h- Functions Complete Reference


5. CSS Advanced
    a- Transform
    b- Drag and Drop
    c- Comments
    d- Colors
    e- Background
    f- Borders
    g- Margins and padding
    h- Height and Width
    i- Box model
    j- Outline
    k- Text Formatting
    l- Fonts
    m- Icons
    n- Links
    o- Lists

6. Plugins
    a- MarqueeMenu plugin
    b- Stacking Page plugin
    c- Others

7. Questions
    a- How to create Wave Backgrond using CSS
    b- How to create wave ball effect using CSS
    c- How to create shapes using CSS
    d- How to create text-fill animation using CSS
    e- How order of classes work in CSS
    f- Create a transparent border with CSS
    g- What is the use of asterisk(*) selector in CSS
    h- CSS Examples


    a- CSS Preprocessor SASS
    b- SASS Syntax
    c- SASS Comments
    d- SASS Variables
    e- SASS @import
    f- SASS @mixin and @include
    g- SASS @extend rule
    h- SASS @each rule
    i- SASS @if and @else
    j- SASS Operators
    k- SASS Numeric operators
    l- SASS Placeholder selectors
    m- SASS Nesting
    n- SASS Parent selector
    l- SASS Booleans and boolean operators
    m- SASS Shadowing and flow control
    n- SASS Interpolation

Dave Gray CSS Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 11 Hours CSS Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

Traversy Media CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.


14 CSS Best Practices for Beginners When you’re getting started with web design, a key element to making everything work properly and look how you want it to look falls in the hands of CSS. That’s short for Cascading Style Sheets, and they work by allowing you to style HTML elements in any way you want. And while you can experiment with CSS in any number of ways – most often inline – there is a better way to go about it. And that falls in line with a series of best practices you should follow to ensure your code is functional, devoid of unnecessary bulk, and well-organized.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself" With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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System operatins
Web Development

By: Admin 234 123













Raddy Learn Bootstrap in less than 20 minutes - Responsive Website Tutorial Bootstrap CSS Framework - Full Course for Beginners

Drew Ryan Responsive Bootstrap Website Start To Finish with Bootstrap 4, HTML5 & CSS3

Keep coding Bootstrap 5 tutorial - crash course for beginners in 1.5H

Web Dev Simplifie Bootstrap 5 Crash Course

Web Dev Simplifie Bootstrap 5 Crash Course

Derek Banas Bootstrap Tutorial

Web Dev Simplifie Bootstrap 5 Crash Course

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System operatins
Web Development

By: Admin 234 123

What is Jquery? jQuery What Does It Do?

jQuery Selectors

jQuery – Mouse Events

jQuery – Keyboard Events

jQuery – Form Events

jQuery – Scroll, Select, On, Off, One Events

jQuery – hide(), show(), toggle()

jQuery – fadeOut(), fadeIn(), fadeToggle(), fadeTo()

jQuery – slideDown(), slideUp(), slideToggle()

jQuery – animate(), stop()

jQuery – Callback Function

jQuery – Chaining

jQuery – text(), html(), val()

jQuery – append(), prepend(), after(), before()

jQuery – remove(), empty()

jQuery – addClass(), removeClass(), toggleClass()

jQuery – css()

jQuery – width(), height(), innerWidth(), innerHeight(), outerWidth(), outerHeight()

jQuery – parent(), parents(), parentsUntil(), children(), find()

jQuery – siblings(), next(), nextAll(), nextUntil(), prev(), prevAll(), prevUntil()

jQuery – filter() Method and Usage

jQuery – eq() Method and Usage

jQuery – data(), removeData()

jQuery – attr(), removeAttr()

jQuery – scrollLeft(), scrollTop()

jQuery – toArray() Method and Usage

jQuery – each() Method and Usage

jQuery – index() Method and Usage

jQuery – wrap(), wrapAll(), unwrap(), wrapInner()

jQuery – replaceWith(), replaceAll()

jQuery – Clone(), slice(), hasClass(), delay(), has()

jQuery – is(), finish(), closest(), trim()

jQuery – get(), position(), offset()

jQuery – length

jQuery – Animation On and Off

jQuery – Version

TechZ Learn jQuery for Beginners - Full Course

Edureka jQuery Tutorial For Beginners | Developing User Interface (UI) Using jQuery

Traversy Media JQuery projects

Code Blss You jQuery in One Video | Explained in EASIEST WAY Why You Don't Need jQuery Anymore JQuery Tutorial | jQuery Tutorial For Beginners | jQuery | jQuery full course | Simplilearn

Sadik Turan 1 Videoda JQuery Öğren!

Enes Bayram Web Geliştirme Eğitimi HTML | CSS | BOOTSTRAP | JAVASCRIPT | JQUERY



What is jquery?


What's New in jQuery jQuery UI is built for designers and developers alike. We've designed all of our plugins to get you up and running quickly while being flexible enough to evolve with your needs and solve a plethora of use cases.


Learn bootstrap


jQuery Mobile framework takes the "write less, do more" mantra to the next level: Instead of writing unique applications for each mobile device or OS, the jQuery mobile framework allows you to design a single highly-branded responsive web site or application that will work on all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms.


JQuery Tutorial Examples in Each Chapter Our "Try it Yourself" editor makes it easy to learn jQuery. You can edit code and view the result in your browser.



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Networkin TCP/IP UP
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

Javascript is a must-know language for those interested in web programming and those who want to start creating websites. Javascript ensures that your pages are functional. It acts as a bridge between the user and the browser.
For example, in an html form, you can notify the user through javascript that the blank spaces should not be left blank. Or you can add the date or time to your site. What you can do with Javascript is quite extensive. Here's what you can do on these pages.










Edureka JavaScript Full Course | JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners | JavaScript Training Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners

Nerd's lesson JavaScript Mastery Complete Course | JavaScript Tutorial For Beginner to Advanced

Programming with Mosh JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: Learn JavaScript in 1 Hour

Telusko JavaScript Programming Tutorial for Beginners



Learn Javascript


JavaScript Tutorial


JavaScript Tutorial This Javascript Tutorial is designed to help both beginners and experienced professionals master the fundamentals of JavaScript and unleash their creativity to build powerful web applications. From basic syntax and data types to advanced topics such as object-oriented programming and DOM manipulation.


Learn JavaScript Tutorial Our JavaScript Tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both. JavaScript is used to create client-side dynamic pages. JavaScript is an object-based scripting language which is lightweight and cross-platform. JavaScript is not a compiled language, but it is a translated language. The JavaScript Translator (embedded in the browser) is responsible for translating the JavaScript code for the web browser.


JavaScript in Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code includes built-in JavaScript IntelliSense, debugging, formatting, code navigation, refactorings, and many other advanced language features.


Learn Javascript JavaScript's dynamic capabilities include runtime object construction, variable parameter lists, function variables, dynamic script creation (via eval), object introspection (via and Object utilities), and source-code recovery (JavaScript functions store their source text and can be retrieved through toString()).

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial With our How it's done now. From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.


Learn javascript Learn how to use JavaScript — a powerful and flexible programming language for adding website interactivity.


What is javascript aanzet in je browser Tegenwoordig gebruiken bijna alle webpagina's JavaScript, een programmeertaal die in de web browser van de bezoeker draait. Het voegt extra functionaliteit aan de pagina's toe voor specifieke doeleinden en als het uit staat om een of andere reden kan de inhoud of de functionaliteit van de webpagina gelimiteerd of niet beschikbaar zijn. Hier vind je instructies over hoe je JavaScript aan kan zetten (activeren) in de vijf meest gebruikte web browsers.

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Web Developer HTML CSS JavaScript
Web Development

By: Admin 234 123

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet nesciunt qui sit velit delectus voluptates, repellat ipsum culpa id deleniti. Rerum debitis facilis accusantium neque numquam mollitia modi quasi distinctio.

Necessitatibus nihil impedit! Ex nisi eveniet, dolor aliquid consequuntur repudiandae.

Magnam in repellat enim harum omnis aperiam! Explicabo illo, commodi, dolor blanditiis cupiditate harum nisi vero accusamus laudantium voluptatibus dolores quae obcaecati.

The Net ninja JavaScript DOM Tutorial #1 - Introduction

Web Dev Simplified Learn DOM Manipulation In 18 Minutes JavaScript DOM Manipulation – Full Course for Beginners



Ophy Boamah How the JavaScript DOM Works – A Practical Tutorial


Introduction to the DOM The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.


Javascript en het DOM #Document Object Model Het DOM (Document Object Model) is een representatie van elk element op een pagina in een boomstructuur. De browser gebruikt het DOM om elk element op een pagina te tonen. Het bevat zowel de elementen als de inhoud van een element.


JavaScript DOM This section covers the JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM) and shows you how to manipulate DOM elements effectively.


JavaScript HTML DOM With our With the HTML DOM, JavaScript can access and change all the elements of an HTML document.


What is DOM Manipulation in JavaScript? With our DOM manipulation in javascript is an important factor while creating a web application using HTML and JavaScript. It is the process of interacting with the DOM API to change or modify an HTML document that will be displayed in a web browser. This HTML document can be changed to add or remove elements, update existing elements, rearrange existing elements, etc.


Document Object Model The document object represents the whole html document. When html document is loaded in the browser, it becomes a document object. It is the root element that represents the html document. It has properties and methods. By the help of document object, we can add dynamic content to our web page.

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Tes Automation Cucumber TestNG Maven
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

Javascript ES6 has been around for a few years now, and it allows us to write code in a clever way which basically makes the code more modern and more readable. It’s fair to say that with the use of ES6 features we write less and do more, hence the term ‘write less, do more’ definitely suits ES6. ES6 introduced several key features like const, let, arrow functions, template literals, default parameters, and a lot more. Let’s take a look at them one by one. “const” and “let” Before ES6 we mainly made use of the var keyword whenever we wanted to declare a variable. But it had some serious issues, also it was not the developers’ favorite so in the ES6 version, we were introduced to const and let keywords which allow us to store variables. They both have their own way of storing variables.

Programming with Mosh ES6 Tutorial: Learn Modern JavaScript in 1 Hour CSS Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

Academind ES6 JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners - Getting Started

Elzero Web School Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #01 - Introduction and What Is ES6?



JavaScript ES6 JavaScript ES6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015 or ECMAScript 6) is the newer version of JavaScript that was introduced in 2015.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets JavaScript ES6 — write less, do more


Introduction to ES6 ECMAScript: It is the specification defined in ECMA-262 for creating a general-purpose scripting language. In simple terms, it is a standardization for creating a scripting language. It was introduced by Ecma International and is basically an implementation with which we learn how to create a scripting language. Javascript: A general-purpose scripting language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.It is basically an implementation that tells us how to use a scripting language.


Constants Support for constants (also known as "immutable variables"), i.e., variables which cannot be re-assigned new content. Notice: this only makes the variable itself immutable, not its assigned content (for instance, in case the content is an object, this means the object itself can still be altered).


Javascript ES6 With our New Features in ES6:


ES6 Tutorial ECMAScript 2015 or ES2015 is a significant update to the JavaScript programming language. It is the first major update to the language since ES5 which was standardized in 2009. Therefore, ES2015 is often called ES6.


ES6 Tutorial ES6 or ECMAScript 6 is a scripting language specification which is standardized by ECMAScript International. This specification governs some languages such as JavaScript, ActionScript, and Jscript. ECMAScript is generally used for client-side scripting, and it is also used for writing server applications and services by using Node.js.

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Robotics & AR | HR
Web Development

By: Admin 234 123

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet nesciunt qui sit velit delectus voluptates, repellat ipsum culpa id deleniti. Rerum debitis facilis accusantium neque numquam mollitia modi quasi distinctio.

Necessitatibus nihil impedit! Ex nisi eveniet, dolor aliquid consequuntur repudiandae.

Magnam in repellat enim harum omnis aperiam! Explicabo illo, commodi, dolor blanditiis cupiditate harum nisi vero accusamus laudantium voluptatibus dolores quae obcaecati.

Programming with Mosh Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript: Made Super Simple

PedroTech JavaScript Object Oriented Programming Tutorial Beginners - OOP in JavaScript

Traversy Media avaScript OOP Crash Course (ES5 & ES6)



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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3D Disagn
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit excepturi laborum enim, vitae ipsam atque eum, ad iusto consequuntur voluptas, esse doloribus. Perferendis porro quisquam vitae exercitationem aliquid, minus eos laborum repudiandae, cumque debitis iusto omnis praesentium? Laborum placeat sit adipisci illum tempore maxime, esse qui quae? Molestias excepturi corporis similique doloribus. Esse vitae earum architecto nulla non dolores illum at perspiciatis quod, et deleniti cupiditate reiciendis harum facere, delectus eum commodi soluta distinctio sit repudiandae possimus sunt. Ipsum, rem.

Code with Ania Kubów Async JavaScript Part 1: What is AJAX?


.NET provides three patterns for performing asynchronous operations: Asynchronous programming patterns Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP), which uses a single method to represent the initiation and completion of an asynchronous operation. TAP was introduced in .NET Framework 4. It's the recommended approach to asynchronous programming in .NET. The async and await keywords in C# and the Async and Await operators in Visual Basic add language support for TAP. For more information, see Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP). Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP), which is the event-based legacy model for providing asynchronous behavior. It requires a method that has the Async suffix and one or more events, event handler delegate types, and EventArg-derived types. EAP was introduced in .NET Framework 2.0. It's no longer recommended for new development. For more information, see Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP). Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) pattern (also called the IAsyncResult pattern), which is the legacy model that uses the IAsyncResult interface to provide asynchronous behavior. In this pattern, asynchronous operations require Begin and End methods (for example, BeginWrite and EndWrite to implement an asynchronous write operation). This pattern is no longer recommended for new development. For more information, see Asynchronous Programming Model (APM).


Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript – Guide for Beginners To understand what asynchronous programming means, think about multiple people working on a project simultaneously, each on a different task. In traditional (synchronous) programming, each person would have to wait for the person before them to finish their task before starting their own. But with asynchronous programming, everyone can start and work on their tasks simultaneously without waiting for the others to finish. Similarly, in a computer program, asynchronous programming allows a program to work on multiple tasks simultaneously instead of completing one task before moving on to the next one. This can make the program get more things done in a shorter amount of time. For example, a program can send a request to a server while handling user input and processing data, all at the same time. This way, the program can run more efficiently.


When to Use (and Not to Use) Asynchronous Programming: 20 Pros Reveal the Best Use Cases Asynchronous programming is a form of parallel programming that allows a unit of work to run separately from the primary application thread. When the work is complete, it notifies the main thread (as well as whether the work was completed or failed). There are numerous benefits to using it, such as improved application performance and enhanced responsiveness.


.Net (C#) ile Asenkron Programlama Nasıl Yapılmalı? Öncelikle; senkron (Synchronous) ve asenkron (Asynchronous) programlama derken ne kastediyoruz bunu açıklayayım. Senkron kelimesi TDK arşivlerinde eş zamanlı olarak açıklanmaktadır. Programlamada da bu kelimeyi; belli bir zaman diliminde tamamlanan işlemlerin, birbirini takip edecek şekilde başlayıp bitmesi şeklinde açıklayabiliriz. Bu noktayı biraz daha açacak olursak; işlemler gerçekleşirken, sıra ile geçekleşir ve gerçekleşmekte olan bir işlem tamamlandığında bir sonraki işleme geçilir.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


Senkron Ve Asenkron Programlama Nedir? Senkron programlamadaki her şeyi sırayla işlemesi ve her bir işlemin birbirini beklemesi yeri geldiğinde programımızı çok yavaşlatabilir, hatta işlem bitene kadar durdurabilir.


Asenkron (Asynchronous) Programlama Nedir? Async programlama dendiğinde insanlardan ilk duyacağınız şey bloklamayan kod… Genelde açıklamalar burada kalır. Bloklamak nedir, bloklamayan nedir, vs. bunlar teorik olarak anlatılır ve dinleyeni tatmin etmez. Dinleyenlerin ise aklına ilk gelen şey ise birden fazla threadin kullanıldığı bir çözüm olur. Araç dediğinizde insanların aklına hemen dört tekerlekli bir arabanın gelmesi gibi. Motorsiklet var, kamyon var, uçak var… Async programlama dendiğinde aklınıza gelen şey yeni threadlerin oluşturulması değil, uzun bir işin bitmesini beklemeden bu işin sonucuna bağımlı olmayan diğer işlere devam edebilmek… bağımlı olan işleri ise beklenen işe bir devam şeklinde ekleyebilmek olmalı.


Asenkron Programlama(Asynchronous Programming) SSenkron bir uygulamada thread, işlemleri sırayla gerçekleştirir ve tamamlanmasını bekler sonra diğer işleme geçer. Herhangi bir işlem engellenirse, uygulamanın tamamı engellenir ve uygulama tüm görev tamamlanana kadar yanıt vermeyi durdurur.

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Web Development

By: Admin 234 123

API definition

When running on a server, an API is a set of coded routines that receives requests from and sends responses to other programs. API designers implement that code through standardized programming statements that expose functions that make sense for accessing the platform in question.
For example, suppose you wanted to incorporate a map to your business on your website or display a list of your latest tweets. You can’t directly access Google Maps or Twitter — the code that runs those sites sits on Google and Twitter servers. But those platforms provide APIs that let authorized users retrieve data from their sites.
The Google Maps API and Twitter API may be among the most widely used API examples, but most software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers offer APIs that let developers write code that posts data to and retrieves data from the provider’s site as well.
Developers can use multiple different programming languages to create web-based APIs, including Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and Ruby. Each call that’s a part of these APIs has a defined syntax, and each vendor that provides an API documents its syntax, usually on their site or sometimes on sites like GitHub or ProgrammableWeb.
Most types of APIs have several methods, or operations, that allow developers to create, retrieve, update, and delete data. The verbs used to implement these methods are, respectively, POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE. Each method generally takes a payload in the form of a file in a defined format (usually JSON or XML) that contains the data to be operated on, and uses a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that acts as an address where the API can interact with the calling program.

Simply Explained What Are APIs? - Simply Explained

CodeWithChris What is an API and how does it work? (In plain English)

Aaron Jack What is an API (in 5 minutes) APIs for Beginners 2023 - How to use an API (Full Course / Tutorial)



What is an API? HTML is the foundation of all web pages. An API, or application programming interface, is a set of defined rules that enable different applications to communicate with each other. It acts as an intermediary layer that processes data transfers between systems, letting companies open their application data and functionality to external third-party developers, business partners, and internal departments within their companies.


Application programming interface (API) What is an API? An application programming interface (API) is code that enables two software programs to communicate....

What is an API? APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau’s software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.


API definition First of all, the API is not the database or even the server; it’s the code that governs the server’s access point(s). An API is like a common language, a communications mechanism between developers.


What is an API? API stands for application programming interface, which is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software.


What is an API? Application programming interfaces explained   Developers use application programming interfaces to hide complexity, organize code, and design reusable components. Here’s what you need to know about APIs.


Ehat is an API?


What is an API (application programming interface)? Definition and examples A lot of people who work in technology have an intuitive understanding of what an API (application programming interface) is — but if you asked them to define it, they might have trouble putting an explanation into words. In simple terms, an API is both a piece of software running on a networked server and a component of programming code. APIs are standards for application data interchange, just as protocols are standards for network data interchange. Without them, software developers would have a much harder time writing code to get information from platforms or apps they want to access.

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Developer Operations
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

npm; It is also called Node Package Manager or Node Packaged Modules. It was developed by Isaac Z. Schlueter using completely javascript language. Npm is basically a tool for installing 3rd party software. The description on their website is as follows.

Dave Gray NPM Node Package Manager Modules | NPM Tutorial for Beginners

Codevolution npm Tutorial for Beginners - 1 - Introduction Learn Node.js - Full Tutorial for Beginners

Programming with Mosh Node.js Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Node in 1 Hour

Edureka Node JS Full Course - Learn Node.js in 7 Hours | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners



Downloading and installing Node.js and npm To publish and install packages to and from the public npm registry or a private npm registry, you must install Node.js and the npm command line interface using either a Node version manager or a Node installer. We strongly recommend using a Node version manager like nvm to install Node.js and npm. We do not recommend using a Node installer, since the Node installation process installs npm in a directory with local permissions and can cause permissions errors when you run npm packages globally.


An introduction to the NPM package manager A quick guide to npm, the powerful package manager key to the success of Node.js. In January 2017 over 350000 packages were reported being listed in the npm registry, making it the biggest single language code repository on Earth, and you can be sure there is a package for (almost!) everything.


Node.js | NPM Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.


How to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows and Mac? JavaScript has become a go-to language in the software development industry. The front-end developers aim to create feature-rich UI with JavaScript development and engage with back-end web services using AJAX. Since JavaScript offers non-blocking nature, web developers who work on the server-side have shifted their paradigm to JavaScript.


What is NPM?   With our "NPM is a package manager for Node.js packages, or modules if you like. hosts thousands of free packages to download and use. The NPM program is installed on your computer when you install Node.js


Npm Nedir ? ❗️Npm komut satırı üzerinden çalışan bir uygulamadır Aslında npm projemizdeki paketlerin yönetimini otomatikleştiriyor diyebiliriz. Npm ile temel olarak yapabileceğimiz şeyler ise şöyledir :
➩ Otomatik ya da manuel olarak paketleri yükleme
➩ Sistemdeki paketleri silmek
➩ Sistemdeki paketleri listeleme
➩ Sistemdeki paketleri update etmek


Node.js ve Npm nedir? Ne işe yarar? Node.js, JavaScript tabanlı sunucu tarafında koşan, non-blocking I/O modelini kullanabilen bir platformdur. Altyapısını Google’ın V8 JavaScript Engine’ninden alması yüksek performanslarda çalışabilmesini sağlar.

Read more node.js
Web Development

By: Admin 234 123

What is Babel? Babel is a tool for converting ECMAScript 2015+ code to a backward compatible version of JavaScript in current and legacy browsers or environments. As new features are standardized, browsers gradually begin to adopt new features. That's why using Babel is kind of a necessity for us. The configuration we made for Babel consists of which JavaScript features it will support and which browsers we will produce output for.


medium | hepsiburadatech

How to Use BabejJS? Babel Js can be used with different tools. For example, via console (CLI), Ember, Nodemon, Node, Electron. Although they work similarly, there may be some differences between them. Therefore, full information can be obtained from the BabelJS setup page. Here, we will focus on how to operate on the console and what we should pay attention to when doing this. When you learn these, it will be very easy to use BabelJS with the tool and library you want.

What Does Babel Do? Babel is a JavaScript compiler. It is used by Google, Facebook, Hepsiburada, Netflix and hundreds of other big companies. In fact, I think it would not be pretentious if we ignore the big companies and say that Babel is behind all modern applications that work with JavaScript. Babel not only allows us to use ES6 but also supports ES7, JSX etc with polyfill support. It allows us to use other standards as well.

Babel Pack npm install --save-dev babel-core babel-cli babel-preset-env babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-runtime babel-register babel-polyfill



What is Webpack? Webpack is a module wrapper used to unify JavaScript files used in web applications. Most JavaScript applications used require libraries contained in other JavaScript files. The increase in JavaScript files causes web pages to load slowly. To avoid this slowness, JavaScript files must be combined.


Strezabyte Babel.js: What It Is, and How You Can Use It. [What The Stack]

Fazt Code Babel, Webpack & Ecmascript 10, Javascript Moderno

Leela Web Dev 1. Babel JS - Get Started. JavaScript Compiler for Compiling next Generation JavaScript - BabelJS

Bro Code Learn MongoDB in 1 Hour 🍃 (2023) MongoDB with Python Crash Course - Tutorial for Beginners


github | babel

Babel | Babel (pronounced "babble") is a community-driven project used by many companies and projects, and is maintained by a group of volunteers. If you'd like to help support the future of the project, please consider: Giving developer time on the project. (Message us on Twitter or Slack for guidance!) Giving funds by becoming a sponsor on Open Collective or GitHub (which goes to our Open Collective account)!


Comparing Babel, Sucrase, and Similar Libraries What if I told you that you could use every modern JavaScript feature in your code, even before your browser supports it? Over the past few years, JavaScript has been going through a lot of changes, including promises, JSX used in frameworks like React, arrow functions, spread operators, and typed-JavaScript like TypeScript and Flow.

typescriptlang | Using Babel with TypeScript

Babel vs tsc for TypeScript When making a modern JavaScript project, you might ask yourself what is the right way to convert files from TypeScript to JavaScript? A lot of the time the answer is “it depends”, or “someone may have decided for you” depending on the project. If you are building your project with an existing framework like tsdx, Angular, NestJS or any framework mentioned in the Getting Started then this decision is handled for you.

typescriptlang | Using Babel with TypeScript

Babel vs tsc for TypeScript When making a modern JavaScript project, you might ask yourself what is the right way to convert files from TypeScript to JavaScript? A lot of the time the answer is “it depends”, or “someone may have decided for you” depending on the project. If you are building your project with an existing framework like tsdx, Angular, NestJS or any framework mentioned in the Getting Started then this decision is handled for you.

github | webpack

Webpack| Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.


Webpack Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.


Getting Started With Webpack Modern browsers provide good support for JavaScript modules, but module bundlers such as webpack stay a critical part of the JavaScript toolchain. Let’s take a deep dive into what webpack is and how to use it in your development workflow.


An intro to Webpack: what it is and how to use it A perfect way to say why webpack exists is the above quote. But to understand it better we need to go back, way back, to when JavaScript was not the new sexy thing, in those old timey ages when a website was just a small bundle of good old .html, CSS, and probably one or a few JavaScript files in some cases. But very soon all of this was going to change.


BabelJS - Working with Babel and Webpack


Why and How to Use Webpack and Babel with Vanilla JS What Are Webpack and Babel? Webpack and Babel are tools for developers that optimize JavaScript applications.

WTF are Babel and Webpack 😵 ? Explained in 2 mins.


Bootstrap & Webpack e official guide for how to include and bundle Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript in your project using Webpack.

medium | hepsiburadatech

Babel Nasıl Çalışır? Babel’ın bir input alıp bunu başka bir koda transform ederken, AST kullanmakta olduğunu biliyoruz. Webpack’te benzer bir yapı ile çalışıyor.


Babel Js Nedir? Nasıl Kullanılır?   With our JavaScript geliştikçe ve yeni özellikler eklendikçe eski tarayıcılar ile bir uyum sorunu oluşturmaktadır. ECMAScript 2015+ kodlarının eski tarayıcılar ile çalışması için bu kodları onların anlayacağı şekilde düzenlemek gerekiyor. Aksi halde yeni sürüm JavaScript kodları eski tarayıcılarda çalışmayacaktır.


BabelJS nedir? Babel bir javascript transcompilerdır. Yani javascript’in bir versiyonunda (örneğin EcmaScript7 ile yazılmış) yazılmış bir kodu, tüm tarayıcıların desteklediği EcmaScript5 koduna çevirmek için kullanılır. Bunun yanında reactjs vb.. çerçevelerin kullandığı JSX uzantılı dosyaları da EcmaScript5’e çevirebilmektedir.


Babel, ES2015, ES6, ES7 Nedir ? Babel : React Native yazarken biz JavaScript yazıyoruz ama eski tarzda değil. Bizim yazdığımız bazı özel fonksiyonlarımızın (Map(), async, vb) çalışabilmesi için Babel derleyicisine ihtiyacımız var. Babel, JavaScript kodunu derleyen, onu Native platformun anlayacağı dile çeviren temel araç..


Webpack Nedir? Kurulumu ve Kullanımı Yazıda webpack nedir ile webpack anlatılmış, webpack kurulumu yapılmış ve çeşitli webpack modülleri kullanılarak webpack kullanımı ile ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir.


Webpack Nedir?   Webpack’e Detaylı Bir Bakış Halihazırda web uygulaması geliştiriyorsanız Angular, Vue ve React gibi pek çok modern JavaScript geliştirme platformlarında Webpack’e rast gelmişsinizdir. Webpack, adından da bir web paketleyicisi olduğu anlaşılabileceği gibi, en temel haliyle ele aldığımızda, modern JavaScript uygulamaları için üretilen bir module bundler’dır (modül paketleyicisidir) diyebiliriz. Webpack, bir projede çalıştırıldığında, projenin ihtiyaç duyabileceği her modül tipini alan bir dependency graph (bağımlılık grafiği) oluşturur ve bu grafiğin işlenmesi sonucu çıktı olarak bir uygulama paketi üretir.

medium | serhatsait

Webpack Nedir ? Kurulumu ve Kullanımı Nasıldır ? Webpack Kurulumu Webpack web uygulamalarında kullandığımız JavaScript dosyalarını tek parça haline getirmek için kullanılan bir modül paketleyicisidir.(Not: Sadece Js dosyalarını birleştirmek için kullanmayacağız. ) Kullanılan çoğu JavaScript uygulaması başka bir JavaScript dosyalarında yer alan kütüphaneye ihtiyaç duymaktadır. JavaScript dosyalarının artması beraberinde web sayfalarının yavaş açılmalarına neden olur. Bu yavaşlığın önüne geçebilmek için de JavaScript dosyalarının birleştirilmesi gerekir. JavaScript dosyalarını birleştirmek için daha önceden kullandığım Gulp veya Grunt gibi çeşitli web araçları da kullanılabilir.


Webpack Nedir? Ne Amaçla Kullanılır? Web Application JS Module bundler yazısında bahsi geçen paketleticilerle (bundler) ilgili detaylara geçebiliriz.


Getting Started With Webpack Modern browsers provide good support for JavaScript modules, but module bundlers such as webpack stay a critical part of the JavaScript toolchain. Let’s take a deep dive into what webpack is and how to use it in your development workflow.


An intro to Webpack: what it is and how to use it A perfect way to say why webpack exists is the above quote. But to understand it better we need to go back, way back, to when JavaScript was not the new sexy thing, in those old timey ages when a website was just a small bundle of good old .html, CSS, and probably one or a few JavaScript files in some cases. But very soon all of this was going to change.

Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

Learn MongoDB
    What Is MongoDB?
    Elements of MongoDB
    How To Install MongoDB
    How To Access Your MongoDB Database
    How To Insert New Documents in MongoDB
    Simple MongoDB Queries
    Using Cursors in MongoDB
    How To Create Indexes in MongoDB
    How To Manage MongoDB Indexes
    Using MongoDB Data Validation Schemas
    How To Update Existing Documents in MongoDB
    How To Delete Documents in MongoDB
    Using Aggregation Operations in MongoDB
    How To Run Bulk MongoDB Operations


medium | alitunacanonar


medium | alitunacanonar

MongoDB mongodb

NodeJS nodejs

Php MongoDB php | mongo

Robomongo robomongo

NodeJS MongoDB install npm install mongodb --save

Web Dev Simplified MongoDB Crash Course

Bro Code Learn MongoDB in 1 Hour 🍃 (2023)

Traversy Media MongoDB In 30 Minutes

MongoDB MongoDB Explained in 10 Minutes | SQL vs NoSQL | Jumpstart

CodeWithHarry MongoDB Tutorial in 1 Hour (2023) 🍃

Dave Gray Intro to MongoDB and Mongoose | Node.js Tutorials for Beginners



Create a web API with ASP.NET Core and MongoDB This tutorial creates a web API that runs Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on a MongoDB NoSQL database. In this tutorial, you learn how to:
    Configure MongoDB
    Create a MongoDB database
    Define a MongoDB collection and schema
    Perform MongoDB CRUD operations from a web API
    Customize JSON serialization


What Is MongoDB? All About the Popular Open Source Database This tutorial introduces you to the MongoDB database. You’ll discover how to install the software, manipulate data, and apply the data design techniques to your own applications. All examples were developed using MongoDB 5 but most will work in previous or later versions. Code can be entered directly into a client application or the MongoDB shell (mongo or mongosh) to query and update the database.


Learn MongoDB


Learn MongoDB

medium | alitunacanonar

MongoDB MongoDB 2009 yılında geliştirilmiş NoSQL veri tabanlarından biridir. Çok amaçlı, doküman tabanlı ve Dağıtılmış Veri Tabanı Sistemidir. MongoDB, birçok programlama dili için driver desteği bulundurmasından dolayı NoSQL veri tabanları arasından en çok tercih edilendir. Dağıtılmış Veri Tabanı Sistemi, verilerin tek bir bilgisayarda olma zorunluluğunu ortadan kaldırmayı amaçlar.


What is MongoDB? MongoDB (link resides outside IBM) is an open source, nonrelational database management system (DBMS) that uses flexible documents instead of tables and rows to process and store various forms of data. As a NoSQL database solution, MongoDB does not require a relational database management system (RDBMS), so it provides an elastic data storage model that enables users to store and query multivariate data types with ease. This not only simplifies database management for developers but also creates a highly scalable environment for cross-platform applications and services.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


MongoDB Tutorial MongoDB is a document database. It stores data in a type of JSON format called BSON. If you are unfamiliar with JSON, check out our JSON tutorial. A record in MongoDB is a document, which is a data structure composed of key value pairs similar to the structure of JSON objects.


MongoDB Dersleri MongoDB Dersleri bölümünde yer alan mongodb nedir, kurulumu ile NoSQL dünyasına giriş yapabilir. Veri ekleme, güncelleme ve silme ile veriler üzerinde işlem yapıp sorgulama ile bu verileri alabilir. PHP, Node.js, .NET ve Java dersleri ile bu verilere her yerden erişim sağlayabilirsiniz.


Learn MongoDB


MongoDB Tutorial For Beginners | Full Course

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264


medium | alitunacanonar


medium | alitunacanonar

Web Dev Simplified Learn Express JS In 35 Minutes Node.js and Express.js - Full Course

Traversy Media Express JS Crash Course

Nerd's lesson JavaScript Mastery Complete Course | JavaScript Tutorial For Beginner to Advanced


    0:00:00 Getting Started
    0:01:02 Module Introduction
    0:01:59 Introduction to JavaScript
    0:26:47 JavaScript Variables
    0:50:48 JavaScript Arrays
    1:05:50 Module Introduction
    1:06:42 Working With the Code Editor
    1:26:59 Operators Booleans and Selection Statements in JavaScript
    2:04:05 Loops in JavaScript
    2:33:56 Sequence Selection and Loop
    3:03:28 Functions in javaScript
    3:47:17 Module Introduction
    3:48:23 JavaScript and the DOM
    4:42:07 capturing events with JavaScript
    5:32:16 Scope in JavaScript
    6:05:25 Simple JS Slideshow Activity
    6:32:58 Slide With Cross Fade Effect Activity
    7:14:31 Module Introduction
    7:15:37 Basic Distance Converter Project
    7:44:55 Advanced Distance Converter Project
    8:13:35 Vacation Destination Project HTML CSS
    8:50:00 Vacation Destination Project JavaScript
    9:46:19 course Summary

    9:47:17 Getting Started
    9:47:56 Module Introduction
    9:48:41 Introduction to Jquery
    10:28:22 Folding Sidebar Menus With JavaScript
    11:00:56 Folding Sidebar Menus With Jquery
    11:16:12 Practice Challenges
    11:18:07 Module Introduction
    11:18:58 Introduction to the Jquery Effects Library
    12:06:54 Creating a Tabbed Interface with Jquery
    12:36:27 Creating a Tabbed interface with JavaScript
    13:15:10 Module Introduction
    13:15:42 Jquery Image Sliders Version 1
    13:51:25 Jquery Image Sliders Version 2
    14:25:48 JavaScript Image Sliders
    14:57:01 Module Introduction
    14:57:46 Introduction to Timers and Recursion
    15:15:58 Slider on a Timer
    15:32:14 Recursive Content Rotator
    15:56:12 Course Summary

    15:57:05 Getting Started
    15:57:56 Module Introduction
    15:58:36 JQuery Plugins
    16:15:42 JQuery Plugins and Flexsliders
    17:08:01 Module Introduction
    17:08:39 Smooth Scroll with Jquery
    17:34:20 Jquery Page Location Tracking
    18:43:06 Scroll Effects with JavaScript
    19:49:13 Scriptions Site HTML CSS
    20:55:11 Module Introduction
    20:55:48 Objects Data in JavaScript
    21:29:23 Pic Dice Game
    21:51:09 Module Introduction
    21:51:53 The Game of Pig Built in Javascript
    23:20:05 Course Summary

    23:21:02 Getting Started
    23:21:58 Module Introduction
    23:22:32 Basic HTML form Elements
    24:01:16 Form Validation Basics
    24:53:33 JQuery Validator Plugin Advanced Options
    25:22:47 Module Introduction
    25:23:34 Prototypes Inheritance
    25:50:58 Arrow Functions
    26:09:56 Seat Reservation System Project Overview
    26:16:02 Module Introduction
    26:16:44 Seat Reservation system Project part 1 Creating the Seats
    27:05:19 Seat Reservation system Project part 2 Marking the Reserved seats
    27:19:40 Seat Reservation system Project part 3 Selecting Seats
    27:45:44 Seat Reservation system Project part 4 The Reservation form
    28:21:53 Seat Reservation system Project part 5 Reserving The seats
    28:56:11 Module Introduction
    28:56:49 Asynchronous JavaScript
    29:49:55 The JavaScript Event Loop
    30:11:52 Asynchronously Sending Data With JavaScript
    31:10:03 Course Summary
    31:11:22 Studio Ghibli Project Third Party APIs



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a way for two computers to talk to each other over the web. For example, a delivery app can use the Google Maps API to support location tracking instead of building one from scratch. Or a recipe website can use an AI model to suggest alternative recipes based on the same ingredients using the ChatGPT REST API. An API that follows the REST standard is called RESTful. Here are good practices when designing and using a RESTful API using the example of a survey app.

    Basic format

    HTTP verbs

    URL endpoints

    Status codes

What is Rest and Rest API? Rest (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural model that enables data exchange between Server and Client. Rest API is an application interface that enables data exchange between web services using the Rest architecture.
In order to better explain the Rest API method and its components, we must first explain what some concepts are and what they do. For this reason, “What is Rest API and How Does It Work?” Before we get into the subject, let's define some technical terms.

What is URL? URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Uniform Resource Locator is actually addresses that serve to identify the source of the data published on the internet. We can also define URL addresses as file paths that provide access to components such as content, data, files on a website. We can access internet pages and information on the internet via URL addresses. An example of a normal URL structure is the following.

What is HTTP? HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol that has been used for a long time for the connections of internet sites, which is used to establish a connection between Server and Client via internet address and to transfer data.
HTTP Requests enable the transaction to take place by defining how this data exchange will take place. Commands such as GET, POST, DELETE, PUT are used for operations between Client and Server. During HTTP requests, Requests between client and server are responded with status codes that have certain meanings. As users do not see these replies, this communication takes place between the Client and the Server.

What is API? What Does It Do? It is a module that can be translated into Turkish as API (Application Programming Interface). Thanks to the API, programs can run some functions and capabilities that they do not have and that are available in different programs, and run them within their own body.
In summary, we use services called APIs to run the function of a program on another program. Thanks to APIs, which are a frequently used tool in web-based applications, internet applications can gain a much more useful structure.

What is SOAP? SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), or Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol that works in Server - Client logic, which is used to communicate with distributed web services. Using the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) model, SOAP communicates using sharp rules.
XML format is used for data transmission. SOAP's initial setup is more difficult than Rest API, but once configured, it runs smoothly. Most programmers prefer to use lightweight easy-to-configure services, but sometimes easy-to-configure services can cause different problems during use.

What is JSON? JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a protocol used for communication between all servers and provides less complicated, smaller size and easier transport of data compared to XML. It is more preferred because it has a lighter structure than XML. SOAP uses XML for data migration while Rest API uses JSON format for data migration.


medium | alitunacanonar

How Does the REST API Work? Rest is a structure that uses the HTTP protocol to exchange data and files over URL addresses. Rest API is the name given to the module designed to perform the Rest operation. Rest operations and data exchange are performed with the help of this API (Module). If you ask why Rest is preferred instead of SOAP;


medium | alitunacanonar

SOAP: With Rest, data streams occur with the help of a lighter JSON format, rather than XML in SOAP.

SOAP: HTTP protocol is used instead of complex connection structures like RPC in SOAP.

SOAP: It has a more flexible structure than rigid standards such as SOAP.

SOAP: You are not forced to use Proxy like SOAP.

SOAP: It has a structure that can be easily integrated.

As a result of the Server - Client connection created with Rest, data exchange takes place thanks to certain requests. HTTP requests and functions used during rest are as follows;


medium | alitunacanonar

Rest API methods

    GET is used to list and display data.

    POST is a request to add data.

    DELETE is used to delete data.

    PATCH is a request to update some of the data.

REST Principles

    1- Client – Server

    2- Uniform Interface

    3- Statelessness

    4- Cacheable

    5- Layered System

    6- Code On Demand - Optional


medium | alitunacanonar

Dave Gray CSS Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 11 Hours CSS Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

Traversy Media CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners



REST APIs Explained - 4 Components A REST API is the most common standard used between Clients (a person or application) who want to access information from the web from Servers (application or database) who have access to that information.


What is a REST API?   A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services. REST stands for representational state transfer and was created by computer scientist Roy Fielding.


Wat is REST API? REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Program Interface) is een architectuurstijl waarmee software kan communiceren met andere software via een netwerk of op hetzelfde apparaat. Doorgaans gebruiken ontwikkelaars REST-API’s om webservices te bouwen. REST wordt vaak RESTful-webservices genoemd en gebruikt HTTP-methoden om data tussen een clientapparaat en een server op te halen en te posten.


Wat is een REST API? TransIP stelt domein- en VPS-diensten beschikbaar via een REST API. In dit artikel leggen wij uit wat een REST API is. Meer algemene informatie over API's vind je hier. Daarnaast geven wij een overzicht van de type requests die je kunt gebruiken met de TransIP REST API en welke responses je daarop kunt krijgen.


What is RESTful API? RESTful API is an interface that two computer systems use to exchange information securely over the internet. Most business applications have to communicate with other internal and third-party applications to perform various tasks. For example, to generate monthly payslips, your internal accounts system has to share data with your customer's banking system to automate invoicing and communicate with an internal timesheet application. RESTful APIs support this information exchange because they follow secure, reliable, and efficient software communication standards.


Rest API Nedir, Nasıl Çalışır? Rest (Representational State Transfer), Server (Sunucu) ve Client (İstemci) arasında veri alışverişini sağlayan bir mimari modeldir. Rest API de Rest mimarisinin kullanımıyla web hizmetleri arasında veri alışverişini sağlayan uygulama ara birimidir. Rest API metodunu ve içindeki bileşenlerini daha iyi açıklayabilmek için öncelikle bazı kavramların ne olduğunu ve ne işe yaradığını açıklamalıyız. Bu sebeple “Rest API Nedir ve Nasıl Çalışır?” konusuna girmeden önce bazı teknik terimlerin tanımlamasını yapalım isterseniz.


RESTful API Nedir? RESTful API, iki bilgisayar sisteminin internet üzerinden güvenli bir şekilde bilgi alışverişi yapmak için kullandığı bir arabirimdir. Çoğu iş uygulaması, çeşitli görevleri gerçekleştirmek için diğer dahili ve üçüncü taraf uygulamalarla iletişim kurmak zorundadır. Örneğin, aylık olarak maaş bordroları oluştururken faturalandırmayı otomatik hale getirmek ve dahili bir zaman çizelgesi uygulamasıyla iletişimde olmak için dahili hesap sisteminizin, verileri müşterinin bankacılık sistemiyle paylaşması gerekir. RESTful API'ler; güvenli, güvenilir ve verimli yazılım iletişim standartlarını izlediğinden bu bilgi alışverişini destekler.

medium | rest-api-restful-api-nedir

REST API (RESTful API) nedir? | Zehra Yavuz Öncelikle ‘API nedir, nasıl çalışır?’ tanımlayacak olursak; bir API veya uygulama programlama arabirimi (Application Programming Interface), uygulamaların veya cihazların birbirine nasıl bağlanabileceğini ve birbirleriyle iletişim kurabileceğini tanımlayan bir dizi kuraldır. API entegrasyonu, veri alışverişi yapmak ve ortak bir işlev gerçekleştirmek için API’leri aracılığıyla birbirine bağlanan ve böylece uygulamalar arasında etkileşimi sağlayan birkaç uygulamayı (iki veya daha fazla) ifade eder. REST, client-server arasındaki haberleşmeyi sağlayan HTTP protokolü üzerinden çalışan bir mimaridir. İstemci ve sunucu arasında XML ve JSON verilerini taşıyarak uygulamanın haberleşmesini sağlar. REST mimarisini kullanan servislere ise RESTful servis (RESTful API) denir.


REST API Nedir? Representational state transfer; İlgili isteğe karşılık gelen verinin JSON / XML gibi dosya formatlarında gönderilmesidir. REST API, REST mimarisinin prensiplerine taşıyan API’lardır. Tüm prensiplerin karşılanması durumunda RESTful API olarak da adlandırılır.


REST API Nedir? REST API Örneği ve RESTful API EST API, geliştiricilerin HTTP protokolünü kullanarak GET ve POST gibi isteklerde bulunup, bu isteklere çeşitli formatlarda yanıt aldığı bir dağıtık sistemdir. REST (REpresentational State Transfer), Temsili Durum Aktarımı olarak Türkçede de kullanılır. REST’in tüm prensiplerini yerine getiren API’ler ise RESTful olarak nitelendirilir. REST API ilk defa 2000 yılında Roy Fielding tarafından doktora tezinin bir bölümü olarak geliştirilmiş ve ardından geliştiricilerce kabul görmüştür. REST API, web mimarisi kısmında çalışsın veya çalışmasın her geliştiricinin birgün ihtiyaç duyabileceği popüler bir API’dir.

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Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

What is ReactJs? ReactJs is a component-based javascript library that aims to develop interactive interfaces. Now, to make the subject clearer, let me open the two issues I mentioned. Interactive (Interactive) Interface is one of the basic design elements. An interface that appeals to and interacts with the user who will use the interface you have designed will provide an excellent experience compared to the one that will not pass. In other words, user-friendly interfaces will always lead you to success. Component-Based means that you write once and repeatedly use code snippets that are specialized for a particular job you will create.

Examples Websites

AirBnb AirBnb

Atlassian Atlassian

Cloudflare Cloudflare

Dropbox Dropbox


Flipboard Flipboard

Instagram Instagram

Netflix Netflix

Paypal Paypal

Salesforce Salesforce

Tesla Tesla

Uber Uber

WhatsApp (Web) WhatsApp (Web)

Apple Guide Apple Guide

Marvel Marvel

Figma Figma

Azure Dev Azure Dev

Npm Npm

Duolingo Duolingo

Busuu Busuu

Cambly Cambly

Outlook Outlook

Skype Skype

Slack Slack

Facebook Facebook

Typeform Typeform

Discord Discord

OneDrive OneDrive

Yandex (Disk, Mail) Yandex (Disk, Mail)

NewYorkTimes NewYorkTimes

Installation and Initial Application   First we need to declare the React Js reference. We give the following two references to the Settings > Javascript > Add External Scripts/Pens field.
I want to mention an important point. React Js uses the latest features of javascript as syntax. Goals and purposes must be shorter, more understandable and easier to write code… However, this situation causes a problem on our side. Our browsers do not understand the language of React, which uses Next-Generation javascript features 🙂 . So what are we going to do, I hear you say. At this point, we come across Babel. You can also see Babel as a translator that translates next-generation javascript as browsers understand it. If you want detailed information, come here.

ReactJs Component Structure and Component Usage   Basite indirgemek gerekirse React Component ‘leri kullanıcı arayüzünü şekillendiren, belirli görevleri olan, class veya fonksiyon olarak tanımlanmış, geriye react elementleri döndüren (bir önceki yazımızda bahsettiğimiz JSX), opsiyonel olarak parametre (daha sonra bunlara prop diyeceğiz) alan yapı taşlarıdır.

Event Handling Events are events that occur in HTML elements. An event could be something caused by the browser or the user. And we can capture these events with the help of javascript. As an example! The most well-known examples are:
  When the user clicks the button (onclick)
  When a key is pressed by the user (onkeydown)
  When there is a change in the HTML element (onchange)
  When the page is finished loading (onload)
Now that we have sampled and defined the Events, we can return to our main topic, React Events. The event issue in React is actually almost the same as the event issue I mentioned above. (After all, we are talking about a Javascript library, which is not surprising in my opinion.)

Two-Way Binding The model we use one-way binding is the transfer of data held variables such as data, property -whatever you say - to the view side. As the name suggests, it is a one-way transmission. In this context, The {variable} syntax we use on the JSX side is the best example of this.
What we are doing here is to render the state data we have roughly created on the view side. So our data transmission is one-way from state to view side. And the changes in the data we transmit are not listened to from the back in any way. After briefly mentioning One-way binding, we can move on to our main topic, Two-way binding.

Lists and Conditionals In React, you can create distinct components that encapsulate behavior you need. Then, you can render only some of them, depending on the state of your application. onditional rendering in React works the same way conditions work in JavaScript. Use JavaScript operators like if or the conditional operator to create elements representing the current state, and let React update the UI to match them.

ReactJs Debugging and React Developer Tools Of course, we want to see how the code we write gives output. That's why debugging is a savior for us. As for debug -we are using vscode- there is a debugger for Chrome in the visual studio code store. We will also use this.
After getting the plugin, there is a little configuration that we need to mention and add to our launch.json file. We can follow two different ways for this configuration, which are:
1. It is automatically generated by Vscode when one of the debug options is selected.
2. It is created manually.

Free Courses

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Importent! Learn React


Advanced JSX


Functional Components



DOM Events


JSX Advanced

Conditional rendering

Array immutability

Object immutability


Intro to testing

React Dev Tools

Class Components

Effect hook

Mapbox integration

Effect, State & Events

Effect performance

Using APIs & fetch

Write your own hooks

Context Provider

React Router

Deploying React apps

Custom Events

Virtual DOM

Intro to Preact






UI Kit

Pure functions


Conditional state


State with Arrays

State with Objects

Lazy loading

Intro to redux


Functional state

Component lifecycle

Effect & State

Advanced State

Storing to localStorage

Advanced Hooks

useFetch hook

Stripe integration

Create React App

Folder structure

Lifting state up

React Lazy

Intro to react-redux

Bilgisayar Genetiği Basit React Projesi - React Örnekleri

Bilgisayar Genetiği React ile Todo List Yapımı | React Örnekleri

Berkant Kaya Yeni Başlayanlar İçin, 2.5 Saatte REACT Eğitimi

Fireship React in 100 Seconds

Codevolution ReactJS Tutorial - 1 - Introduction React JavaScript Framework for Beginners – Project-Based Course Code 15 React Projects - Complete Course Learn React JS - Full Course for Beginners - Tutorial 2019

Yazılım Bilimi 1 VIDEODA REACT

Programming With Yash Build A Weather App With React JS | Hourly And Daily Forecast

Nerd's lesson React JS Tutorial - Basic to Advance (2023)

CodeWithHarry Introduction to React Js + Installation | Complete React Course in Hindi #1

Programming with Mosh React Tutorial for Beginners

Programming with Mosh RReact JS - React Tutorial for Beginners



React in 100 Seconds

Learn HTML and CSS Ücretsiz & uceretsiz Dersler (Free Lessons)


React Tutorial React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React is used to build single-page applications. React allows us to create reusable UI components.


Learn ReactJS Tutorial


Conditional Rendering


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

medium | kocsistem

A’dan Z’ye React — Türkçe kaynak Öğrenmeden önce Javascript bilgisine sahip olmalısınız. React sadece view(görüntü) katmanıyla ilgilenir. Diğer mimari katmanlarla alakası yoktur. Component tabanıyla sanal DOM mimarisi kullanan bir UI kütüphanesidir. React clint-side (istemci taraflı) rendering yapar.


Reactjs Eğitimi 1 – ReactJs Giriş – ReactJs nedir?
2 – ReactJs Kurulumu ve İlk Uygulama
3 – ReactJs Component Yapısı ve Component Kullanımı
4 – ReactJs Event Handling
5 – ReactJs Two-Way Binding
6 – ReactJs Lists and Conditionals
7 – ReactJs Debugging ve React Developer Tools


React Geliştirme: Hooks, Redux & Firebase   Sıfırdan Uygulamalı


This CSS tutorial,
a- React 101: React’ a giriş yaptığımız bu bölümde React’in tanımı, kurulumu, uygulama yaratılması, componentler ve props’ları öğreniyoruz.
b- React 201: Bu bölümde Fetching, fetching uygulamaları, routing, form yönetimi ve memoization konuların detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır.
c- React 301: React ile localization işlemleri, uygulamanın deploy edilmesi, servisler, test işlemleri, react kütüphanelerinin oluşturulması ve paylaşılmasını öğreneceğiz. Ayrıca öğrendiklerimizi pekiştireceğimiz bir uygulama üzerinde çalışacağız.
d- React 401: Örnek bir proje uygulaması ile React bilgimizi daha da artırıp geliştireceğiz.


React React, kullanıcı arayüzü oluşturmak için bir JavaScript kütüphanesidir.Web programlama dünyasına başlamak istiyorsanız React en iyi seçeneklerden biri olacaktır. Bu eğitimle sağlam bir temel atacaksın. Real Dom, Virtual Dom, callback function, component, prop types, array states, react hooks, fetching, formik, memoization, context api, testing, publishing, deploy...

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React | Native & react-native-turkce React Native

reactjs | DOM

React | DOM Elements React implements a browser-independent DOM system for performance and cross-browser compatibility. We took the opportunity to clean up a few rough edges in browser DOM implementations.

react Native | erdincuzun

React | Native React Native, native ve cross-platform mobil uygulamalar geliştirmek için bir Javascript framework’üdür. React framework’ü kullanır ve geliştiriciye çok fazla bileşen ve API sunar.

react Native | ysfzrn

React | Native & Introduction React Native, Hızlı, cross-platform, mobile uygulama yazmak için ideal

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Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

To build your applications, Next.js sets some rules about your directory structure and how you structure your components, and it wants you to follow them. While this may seem scary at first, it actually helps to structure your application architecturally. You can think of Next, which defines itself as a Framework, as a Boilerplate like CRA.

Features Coming with Next.js I mentioned that there is no need to deal with configurations for the beginning. Of course, we're going to need some extra stuff and mess with the configuration as we go our own way. But at the first stage, Next.js comes with many features. It also allows you to customize this structure, which comes with Babel and Webpack, with the next.config.js file.

  • Automatic code splitting
  • Built-in CSS support (styled-jsx)
  • Css-in-JS (Styled components, Glamor, Glamorous, Stlentron)
  • Static file serving
  • Routing
  • Custom server and routing
  • Prefetching Pages
  • Dynamic Import
  • Custom error handling
  • Custom configuration (webpack, babel)
  • Static HTML export

Why Should I Prefer?

  • Easy to Use: Forget fiddling with webpack configurations, react router, react and react-dom. Next gives you most of what they have to offer out-of-the-box.
  • No need to bother with code splitting. It comes automatically.
  • First page loads are faster in terms of performance.
  • It solves all SEO related problems.

What are the differences between client side rendering and server side rendering? Client side rendering —Normally when using React, our browser downloads at least one HTML page and then the content is filled with JavaScript. While this JavaScript is running, we encounter a blank page. After the JavaScript runs, our application is ready to use. With server side rendering, the content is rendered on the server so our browser downloads a page with already rendered HTML content. Because of this difference, the first screenshot comes faster.

Project Structure The first thing we need to learn when we say Next.js is its unique project structure. For this reason, I will explain the folder structure before explaining its installation and features. We need to divide our application into two with pages and components folders. This distinction gives us very good conveniences. Managing the project is quite simple. Whether it's good or bad to stick with it is debatable, but after a while you get used to it.

Pages and Component Folders Pages are considered real pages that your users can go to and can consist of components inside your components directory. The Pages folder also gives your application information about the URL and routing structure through the files.

So how does the pages folder have a say in our URL structure? Pages and Router Relationship: If we assume that we have files like index.js, about.js, contact.js in the pages folder, it considers each of them as a separate route.

    index.js => (
    about.js => (
    contact.js => (
I think this should be the most important thing we need to know. Especially if you are developing simple applications, you can get your work done quickly. Next.js for Beginners - Full Course

Dave Gray Next.js Full Course for Beginners | Nextjs 13 Tutorial | 7 Hours Next.js React Framework Course – Build and Deploy a Full Stack App From scratch

JavaScript Mastery Next.js 13 Full Course 2023 | Build and Deploy a Full Stack App Using the Official React Framework Next.js React Framework Course – Build and Deploy a Full Stack App From scratch

React Dersleri JSX Nedir? | Yeni Başlayanlar İçin React Dersleri

Code With Antonio Full Stack Airbnb Clone with Next.js 13 App Router: React, Tailwind, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth 2023



Next.js vs. React: A Comparative Tutorial Next.js is a lightning-fast React framework trusted by data-heavy streaming sites like Hulu and Netflix. If you’re already versed in React, you should definitely get to know this increasingly popular technology. Though both React and Next.js help create effective web user interfaces, they have some key differences: Next.js is more feature-rich and opinionated than React. It is especially well-suited for websites focused on search engine optimization (SEO) or pre-rendering.


Getting Started


Build a website with Next.js Learn how to build a Next.js web application that uses Replicate to run a machine learning model. By the end, you’ll have your own deployed website that can accept text prompts as input and generate images using Stable Diffusion.


The native Next.js platform.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"  

medium | oguzhanaslan

React ile SSR: Next.js İncelemesi Next.js; Universal React uygulamalarını oluşturmak için harika bir framework.


Mastering Next.js This course was originally released in 2019. Next.js has evolved quite a bit since v9 and some of this course is officially "outdated".


NextJS ile Web API Tüketen bir React Uygulaması Geliştirmek Yani tüm karakterleri tek seferde veren bir REST servis yerine, diğer sayfaları da ayrı HTTP Get çağrıları ile alacağımız bir yaklaşım söz konusu. Servis çağrısı sonrası elde edilen her JSON içeriğinde previous, next gibi önceki ve ileriki servis noktalarını referans eden nitelikler bulunduracağız. İşleyiş olarak sayfanın altındaki "Daha fazlası..." yazan düğmeye bastıkça yeni içerik var olanın arkasına eklenecek ve liste aşağı doğru uzayıp gidecek. Bu durumu önyüz tarafında yönetmek için çekilen içeriği ve sonraki servis adresi bağlantı bilgilerini tutmamız gerekiyor. İşte bu noktada useState, useEffect gibi enstrümanlarla React Hooks'u tanımaya çalışacağız. Ben örneğimizi Heimdall(Ubuntu-20.04) üstünde geliştiriyorum ancak diğer plaformlarda da benzer şekilde yazabilirsiniz.

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Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

AngularJS is a javascript framework developed by google. Development is done on view, controller, service, factory, module. The main event develops on view, controller and service.

What is Angular?Angular is a platform that enables javascript-based open source software developers to easily develop applications in web, mobile and desktop environments. In addition, it is a Front-End Development practice because it is a framework that works on the client side or, more precisely, in environments (web browsers) where users can see and interact. The platform, originally called AngularJS, is now called Angular with versions classified as "2+". AngularJS released its first version in October 2010 and has continued to be developed by the Google team ever since. The first stable version of Angular 2 was released by Google on September 14, 2016, and Angular 2 is literally a rewrite of AngularJS. Although it has been a very short time since its publication, when we enter the site, we see v5.2.8 as the latest version. While explaining Angular Framework for you as team, we will assume that you have a Javascript foundation. This is because almost all Angular code is writable with the latest Javascript. It is written in TypeScript, which covers the Angular Framework Javascript language.

Good to know

  • What is Angular? What is Front-End Development
  • What is TypeScript and Its Key Features
  • Why Angular?
  • Basic Angular Architecture
  • Installation of Development Environment (Node.js, npm etc. installation)
  • Template and Data Binding
  • Forms
  • Bootstrapping
  • Modules
  • Dependency Injection
  • Services
  • HttpClient
  • Routing and Navigation
  • Sample Application Development

Edureka Angular 12 Tutorial | Angular Crash Course | Angular 12 Tutorial for beginners

Edureka Angular Full Course - Learn Angular in 6 Hours | Angular Tutorial For Beginners Angular for Beginners Course [Full Front End Tutorial with TypeScript] Angular 11 Tutorial - Code a Project from Scratch

Sadık Turan 1 Videoda Angular 12 ile Web Geliştirme Öğren.

OctAcademy Angular Full Course - Complete Zero to Hero Angular full Tutorial



Angular Angular is a complete JavaScript framework for creating dynamic and interactive applications in HTML. Aside from being one of the hottest frameworks on the web, Angular is easy to learn yet powerful enough to help you develop complex single-page web applications. This path includes content covering Angular 2 and beyond. For the original version, see our AngularJS path.


angular-university Learn And Keep Up With The Angular Ecosystem.


AngularJS Tutorial AngularJS extends HTML with new attributes. AngularJS is perfect for Single Page Applications (SPAs). AngularJS is easy to learn.


kodumunblogu Angular

Documentation Get started with Angular, learn the fundamentals and explore advanced topics on our documentation website.



Angularjs Dersleri - #1 Yükleme ve Açıklama Öncelikle Angularjs nedir ? sorusuna cevap verelim. Angularjs google'ın geliştirmiş olduğu bir javascript framework'üdür. view, controller, service, factory, module üzerinde geliştirme yapılır. Asıl olay view, controller ve service üzerinde gelişir. Bu konuları ileriki derslere böldüğüm için sindirerek anlamak daha mantıklı diyerek kuruluma geçiyorum.


Angular   Angular framework’ü ile yüksek performanslı dinamik web sayfaları,backend uygulamalar ile performasnı bir şekilde haberleşmeye imkan sağlayan RxJS kütüphanesini ve angular’ın tüm önemli özelliklerini bu eğitimide öğreneceksiniz. Angular eğitimi aşağıdaki başlıklardan oluşmaktadır.


ANGULAR DERSLERİ | Angular Dersleri – Angular Nedir ?


Angular 12 ile Sıfırdan İleri Seviye Web Geliştirme ** En kapsamlı ve en güncel Angular kursuna hoş geldiniz. Angular' in son versiyonu Angular 12' i bizimle öğrenin.

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

So what is this Vue Js ?

    It is a modern progressive javascript framework.

    It is user friendly.

    It has an easy-to-understand structure in terms of writing style and features.

    It is versatile. You can use any feature you want.

    It is more performant than React and Angular.

    It is sustainable. When you go live an application, you can easily continue to develop it through the live application.

    It is testable. You can write various test cases in your application yourself.

    It has a Reusable component structure. In other words, it has small applications that contain html, css and javascripts. For example, you can define your header, product field or footer part on your site as a one-time component and use it wherever you want without writing any code again.

Laith Academy The Ultimate Vue 3 Tutorial (100% Composition API)

Traversy Media Vue JS Crash Course (2019) Vue.js Course for Beginners [2021 Tutorial] Learn Vue.js - Full Course for Beginners - 2019

Envato Tuts+ Vue.js Tutorial: Beginner to Front-End Developer

Vue Mastery The best way to learn Vue.js in 2023 - CRASH COURSE

Yazılım Bilimi 1 Videoda HTML, CSS, Flexbox, Responsive Tasarım [ Web Geliştirme Eğitimi ]

Yazılım Bilimi 1 Videoda VUE - Gökhan Kandemir - KablosuzKedi



Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members and industry experts with our premium tutorials and video courses.


VUEJS Level up your skills with the highest quality Vue tutorials


Learn Vue.js


Vue.js Dersleri 01(Giriş)


Vue.Js Components: Child – Parent Veri Aktarımı ve diger makaleler Projemizde yeni componentlar hazırlayacağız ve component içerisinden parent’a (component’ın çağırıldı yer) veri akışını sağlayacağız.

medium | kocsistem

Vue JS — Türkçe kaynak Javascript bu yükü bir şekilde göğüslese de günün sonunda projelerimizde kod kalabalığının ve javascript dosyalarının çok fazla olması gibi oldukça eski ve kötü bir yönteme dönüşmeye başladı. Bu eksikliği gidermek için developer’lar modern javascript framework’leri ve kütüphaneler geliştirmeye başladılar. Bunların arasında en çok öne çıkan Angular, ardından React ve bunlardan esinlenerek çıkartılan ancak kendi artılarını çok fazla ortaya koyan Vue js geliştirildi.

medium | Vue JS Dersleri 1

— Ertan Akpınaroğlu Evan You adlı Google çalışanı angular.js üzerinde geliştirmeler yaparken angular.js üzerindeki dezavantajları gidererek onun kadar iyi ,hızlı ve az yer kaplayan bir ürün çıkarması düşüncesi üzerine ilk olarak 2014 yılında Vue.js’i piyasaya sürmüştür.



What is Vue.js?   Vue.js lets you extend HTML with HTML attributes called directives. Vue.js directives offers functionality to HTML applications. Vue.js provides built-in directives and user defined directives


Vue.js is a framework for developing user interfaces and advanced single-page applications. IntelliJ IDEA provides support for the Vue.js building blocks of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Vue.js-aware code completion for components, including components defined in separate files, attributes, properties, methods, slot names, and more.




Vue.js Vue.js kullanıcı arayüzleri ve tek sayfa uygulamalar inşa etmek için kullanılan açık kaynak Javascript iskeleti.

medium | Vue JS

Yavuz AKINCI · Modern bir prograsive javascript framework’üdür. Kullanıcı dostudur. Yazım şekli ve özellikleri açısından oldukça anlaşılır kolay bir yapısı vardır.

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264

Laith Academy The Ultimate Vue 3 Tutorial (100% Composition API) Laravel PHP Framework Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners (2019)



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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Psychology page
Web Development

By: Admin 456 264



Learn HTML and CSS HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites.


CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, the development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed the versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, or even CSS3. There will never be a CSS3 or a CSS4; rather, everything is now CSS without a version number.


Learn CSS - For Beginners Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful.

Learn CSS You'll learn CSS fundamentals like the box model, cascade and specificity, flexbox, grid and z-index. And, along with these fundamentals, you'll learn about functions, color types, gradients, logical properties and inheritance to make you a well-rounded front-end developer, ready to take on any user interface.


Easy Learning with CSS "Try it Yourself"   With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the CSS code and view the result:


This CSS tutorial, whether you’re a student or a professional, this tutorial is a valuable resource to enhance the visual appeal of your websites or personal blogs. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts of CSS, such as properties, selectors, functions, media queries and more. CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages. Without the use of CSS, a web page will appear visually unappealing. Learn CSS today and elevate your web design skills with our comprehensive CSS tutorial.


What is cascading style sheets (CSS)?. This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and..

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