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List of Interest Cyber Security
Cyber Security

By: Admin 234 123

SIEM Tools
Recommended Sites

Cyber security continues to be an area of increasing importance in both our individual and social lives today. ..

In this context, one of the conditions of being an educated individual is to be able to protect the security of information in the cyber environment and to be knowledgeable about manipulations.

For this reason, every individual active in social media should have basic cyber security information.

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Cyber Security MITRE
Cyber Security

By: Admin 234 123


This room will discuss the various resources MITRE has made available for the cybersecurity community.

What is MITER ATT&CK Framework?

What are MITER ATT&CK Matrices?

How to use MITER ATT&CK?

What are MITER ATT&CK Techniques?

For this reason, every individual active in social media should have basic cyber security information.

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Cyber Security SIEM Tools
Cyber Security

By: Admin 234 123

SIEM Tools

Security Information and Event Management or SIEM tools are essential for identifying cyber attacks. Here is our list of the best SIEM tools:

What is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)?


The Hive



There are 50+ SIEM solutions on the market and this guide will help you identify the right one for your organization.

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Cyber Security SIEM Tools
Cyber Security

By: Admin 234 123

Recommended Sites

Following these sites will provide you with up-to-date and useful information

Some important educational sites can also be recommended while learning cyber security .

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